Saturday, April 22, 2006

55 Fiction Friday index

April 2005
00. The Saturday evening ritual continued...
01. We decided to adopt...
02. She let her guard down, and in he swooped...

May 2005
03. Their previous leader gone after an unprecedented tenure...
04. There were awkward geniuses, and then there was Donal...
05. "You just missed a fantastic group session..."
06. Her husband, a detective, suspected almost everyone...

June 2005
07. Put the makeup around the eyes just so...
08. Let me tell you what I have seen...
09. He tried out for every reality show...

July 2005
10. Mister Movie Star and Miss Pop Singer kept the press guessing...
11. Quick stopovers last week in Manila and Majuro...
12. The self-anointed screenwriter gazed lovingly at his magnum opus...
13. Seemingly by its own doing, the seed from the lemon wedge...

August 2005
14. Chris caressed Jamie's hand as they sat on the loveseat...
15. I knew our dinner host to be perverse, but not like this...
16. Sheldon was poor, but compulsively neat...
17. Upon reuniting, they decided to call themselves Phoenix...

September 2005
18. The psychic’s words were unmistakable...
19. Sandra had recently reported her husband missing...
20. The mornings spent flirting with his coworker...
21. The harsh lights were at best unflattering to Todd's work...
22. The drop in Terrell's quality of life was glaring...

October 2005
23. My grandfather used to tell me the story of his downfall...
24. A sign was posted on every kiosk and tree...
25. Tom kept the rustling of plastic to a minimum...
26. The child was reserved, unemotional, and had an affinity...

November 2005
27. Stand out, set your footing, and use a hook to secure...
28. "Animals Only" read the sign in front of the jazz club...
29. As political third parties go, the Literalist Party showed potential...
30. "This one's for all the marbles," McMurphy predicted...

December 2005
31. Few doodles are as valuable as those found on...
32. Ever since she was young, Melinda got her career aspirations...
33. The impeccably dressed executive was relaxed and charming...
34. Dear Virginia...
35. He had read that the coffee conglomerate wrestled its way...

January 2006
36. They were poor, but not in a Sunday coupon way...
37. This is not a good day for a breakup...
38. He winced and felt his lower lip swell...
39. Her clay sculpture did not look anything like me...

February 2006
40. He lay still for a moment, his eyes following...
41. Delilah and I live on a budget...
42. She let his fingers spin along her thigh...
43. Even if the seminar were not so boring...

March 2006
44. "Spare no expense"? This kind of espionage was new...
45. "Turn off the rock music. Hear that? Your engine's..."
46. The mortals reviewed the matchups...
47. How does one negotiate with an exiled child prince...
48. He read the magazine's profile, disgusted...

April 2006
49. The superhero faced a dilemma...
50. She looked longingly at their bed's empty side...
51. Amber and April argued about Andrew all afternoon...
52. "Oh my God, y'all," Britney realized...

May 2006
53. She said she wouldn't be attracted to Charlie if not for...
54. Danielle searched high and low for a noteworthy cause...
55. At midnight, Edward began his shift patrolling ten miles of border...
56. Felicia started her brilliant career boiling pasta at an Italian bistro...

June 2006
57. Frustrated by yet another unfunny skit, Garrett asked aloud...
58. Hannah quickly discovered that, if she cut off one arm...
59. Little Ivan turned two, and his parents withstood the jokes...
60. Josie was hired by the government to address low voter turnout...
61. After enduring decades of domestication and tradition, Ken...

July 2006
60. Lauren awoke naturally Thursday morning. It dawned on her...
61. In the meantime, Marc was making the best of the situation...
62. After years in apprenticeship, Nicolette was ready...
63. They blamed cousin Oliver for just about everything...

August 2006
64. Once Phyllis found her flaxen hair had frizzed further than...
65. Quincy's new shirt was an ugly gift from a cruel relative...
66. Rio was much older now, no longer a bird of paradise...
67. The checkpoint guards believed that Samuel merited...

September 2006
68. Tess was the strongest interpreter at the United Nations...
69. Why couldn’t Ulrich accept this change? It’s not as though...
70. Violet veered from the script on live television...
71. The disappearing act was old hat for Waldo...
72. Waking up alone and later than usual, Xena found...


maisnon said...

Omigod, you started your numbering at 00 - as a former software engineer, I *love* that! :)

Neel Mehta said...

Thanks. Actually, I did that because I posted my first 55 Fiction on a Tuesday.

Former software engineer? I didn't realize you were so geeky.

Oscar Madison said...

The index really underscores what an impressive oevre you have. ("What an impressive oevre you have, Mr. Mehta.")

Someday your contribution to literaure will be recognized. It may not be during your lifetime, which would be particularly sad, because we're only talking about 2800 words or so, which people could read, like, in an hour.

If you want my two cents, I'd steer away from displays of mere gamelike virtuosity like starting all the words with the same letter. Plus you'd never write slightly awkward locutions like "asserting acrimony" if you weren't restricted.

vimohm: a particularly energetic unit of electricity.

Oscar Madison said...

Too good to pass up:

jeohs: the obligatory expressions of humility to be uttered in response to a compliment.