Friday, August 12, 2005

It's not about the rickshaw

Today I was waiting to make a left turn, and one of those driving school cars crossed me so that I got a full view of the sign of the door. The service was multilingual, which is good, but the choice of languages surprised me. Their Yellow Pages ad:

This? Here, in Las Vegas? Interesting.

Anyway, join the table for 55 Fiction Friday:

I knew our dinner host to be perverse, but not like this. He seated an eminent historian next to a vacuous heiress-turned-TV-

"Our research has found a video of a Beijing student preaching to his followers, 'We didn't land on Tiananmen Square. Tiananmen Square landed on us!' Isn't that amazing?"

"That's hot."


Neel Mehta said...

You may dare. But unless you're a Paris Hilton-type who speaks Urdu, I'm guessing the answer is no.

Oh, you mean the eminent historian. Maybe there'd be more of a correlation if the historian had Native American footage or something. Do you do world history?

Unrelated: you may appreciate a little Simpsons history here.

Neel Mehta said...

Ah, that. No, you're right: I came up with the story on the spot as a response to your claim that Jenny's topic was hot. So I guess you did inspire this one.

cg-c said...

Love it!