Sunday, June 12, 2005

Always good for a laugh

If you're feeling sad and lonely, there's a service I can render.

Check out this list of the Worst Album Covers Ever. The same website makes a second list, and while those are pretty bad, nothing beats the original. No matter how bad a mood I'm in, I can count on a solid chuckle from knowing that:

1. People thought these images would sell records.
2. I have not, nor will I ever, own any of these. (Sorry, Joyce.)


Neel Mehta said...

Yes, of "Dance with Me" and "Still the One" fame. But that doesn't excuse the cover. (And what's with the guy in the back fondling the short guy's nipple?)

Maybe some of this music is really good. Okay, probably not, but music buyers of that era steered clear of ever finding out.

K-Lyn said...

I just watched Spinal Tap this weekend. Where's the all black cover?

Neel Mehta said...

Did you click those links? Sometimes it's better to say nothing with your album cover.

bdure said...

Ever wonder if gospel musicians drive away many more people than they convert?

If I saw some of these guys at my church, I'd go Unitarian so quickly it'd make the collection plate spin.